The price increases will apply to both existing and new customers with the 50% increase being applied on May 1, 2025, and the remaining 50% increase being applied on May 1, 2026.
WTS will generate a monthly report for each customer unit. This report will count the total number of unique users per service type, across all projects and spaces that customer unit owns.
For example, if a department purchased 2 Confluence spaces with the following users:
Space 1 has users Alice, Bob, and Cameron
Space 2 has users Alice, Bob, and Daniel
Then the number of uniqueConfluence users for this customer unit would be four: Alice, Bob, Cameron, and Daniel.
If this same department also purchased a Jira Service Management project with two users: Alice, and Bob, then they would be billed for twoJira Service Management users, in addition to the fourConfluence users.
WTS will generate a monthly report for each customer unit. As a project or space admin, you can add and remove users to your workspaces. The monthly report will dynamically count the unique users (as described above), to update your monthly bill to reflect any changes you make.
Note that while you can add users to your workspaces, new users still require the appropriate product license to access Atlassian services. Adding product licenses for new users can be requested by contacting the WTS Helpdesk.
The Atlassian cloud subscriptions that WTS purchases for Jira and Confluence are based on the number of users who have access to those services. Our new pricing model reflects this per-user subscription cost, as well as resourcing costs for administration and support of our Atlassian services.
We will begin to generate and email previews of monthly billing reports for all customers as we approach May 2025. If you would like to see a draft of what your billing report will look like, please contact the WTS Helpdesk and we can generate one for you.