Special Characters

In an attempt to clarify the cryptic passwords generated by Western, we have provided a list of all special characters and their respective names.  Please note that not all keyboards have the same layout.  Most keyboards should have these symbols, they may just be in different places on the keyboard.

Special Characters

{ } or Braces or Curly Brackets

[ ] or Brackets or Square Brackets

: or Colon

; or Semicolon

' or Apostrophe

" " or Quotation Marks or Quotes

, or Comma

. or Period or Dot

? or Question Mark

/ or Forward Slash or Virgule or Divide

\ or Back Slash

| or Pipe

= or Equal Sign

+ or Plus Sign or Add

_ or Underscore

- or Hyphen or Minus or Subtract or Dash

( ) or Parentheses or Round Brackets

* or Asterisk or Multiply or Star

& or Ampersand or And

^ or Caret or Circumflex

% or Percent

$ or Dollar Sign

# or Pound or Number Sign

@ or 'at'

! or Exclamation Mark

` or Grave or Grave Accent

~ or Tilde or Squiggly

Published on  and maintained in Cascade.