
What would you like to do with information in the FOOTEr on your site in Cascade?

The footer address block can be found in every Configuration and provides contact information for your faculty/department/unit.

To change information in the footer address block:

  1. First go to _cms/blocks/xhtml and edit the Footer Address block
  2. Be sure to enter the correct contact information in the corresponding sections. 
  3. Once you have made your required changes, click the ellipses next to the Preview Draft and then click Submit.
  4. The changes will be reflected in the footer

As you build your top-level navigation, the key topics in your footer are automatically created.  

If the wording in your purple navigation bar shows About Us Programs News Future Students Current Students Counselling Research Alumni then your Key Topics would also list About Us Programs News Future Students Current Students Counselling Research Alumni.

They are simply a reflection of your top-navigation items and cannot be edited or changed unless you change your top navigation.

How to edit your footer's Popular Resources:
  1. To begin, go to _cms/blocks/xhtml and edit the Footer Popular Resources block
  2. Add information by typing your title (usually the title of the page) and either provide the link in Cascade or link to an external webpage.
  3. The changes will be reflected in the footer

Published on  and maintained in Cascade.