
Page Required

You  need to create a page to display your accordions. To do this, go to Add Content - Page - Content Page with accordion. If this option is not available on your site, please create a Jira ticket to request that we add this option for you.

Blocks Required

1) You need a block and format in order to display the accordion information on your page.  You need to use

  • 2012 Design Primary / shared green blocks / blocks
  • _cms / formats / accordion listing (or something similar)

This above pairing of block and format can be put in any region that is part of the cetnre ceontent of a page (e.g. 001 Block region, 002 Block region, Below Default, etc.)  If you do not see this block or format on your site, please create a Jira ticket to request that we add this option for you.

2) You need a block where you can enter your accordion information.  You need to start with the master block:

  • _cms / base assets / blocks / xhtml / accordion listing

and make a copy for every specific block page you make.  If this master block is not available on your site, please create a Jira ticket to request that we add it for you.


Page required:

You  need to create a page to display your accordions. To do this, go to Add Content - Page - Content Page with accordion. If this option is not available on your site, please create a Jira ticket to request that we add this option for you.

Blocks required:

1) You need a block and format in order to display the accordion information on your page.  You need to use

  • 2012 Design Primary / shared green blocks / blocks
  • _cms / formats / accordion listing (or something similar)

This above pairing of block and format can be put in any region that is part of the cetnre ceontent of a page (e.g. 001 Block region, 002 Block region, Below Default, etc.)  If you do not see this block or format on your site, please create a Jira ticket to request that we add this option for you.

2) You need a block where you can enter your accordion information.  You need to start with the master block:

  • _cms / base assets / blocks / xhtml / accordion listing

and make a copy for every specific block page you make.  If this master block is not available on your site, please create a Jira ticket to request that we add it for you.

Published on  and maintained in Cascade.