Blog or News example

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WTS will have to do some of the blog or news setup for your site. The information below is provided to give you an outline of the work that WTS will do:
Pages, folders, metadata sets and data definitions required:
1) Blog or News folder(s) and corresponding index page(s)
You need a specific blog or news folder, typically called Blog or News for your blog posts or News stories to be stored in. In addition, you may have specific year folders if you plan on having a lot of posts or stories on your site. The blog/news main folder and any yearly folders will also need index pages with some specific formats and blocks to display your blog posts or news stories.
2) Blog post or news story pages
Blog posts and news stories can have customized categories. This requires a customized metadata set that WTS will add to your site and that you will then maintain. A special blog page data definition will also be added to your site.
3) Blog or news category pages
Each blog or news category you choose will require a unique category page to display posts/stories.
Blocks and Formats required on the index pages:
1) You need a filter block and a blog listing format in order to display the blog posts on the blog folder index page and any year folders. You need to use
- _cms / blocks / xhtml / filter
- _cms / formats / main blog page listing
The filter block should be put in the block section of 001 Block region (leaving the format section blank) and the format should be put format section of 002 Block region (leaving the block section blank). Both the format and the block need to be copied to your site by WTS and will be customized to have your specific blog category information.
Please note that the filter block will need to be customized with your blog's specific categories and category pages.
2) You need need a pagination script. This script is located in a master block at
- 2017 Design Master / shared blocks / css and js - news index
This block needs to go in the block section of the Extra Head Code region
Blocks and Formats and Metadata sets required on the blog post pages:
1) You need a metadata set where store information about the categories for your blog posts. WTS will need to provide you with a metadata set that you can then edit as needed.
Published on and maintained in Cascade.