Who Can Use Cascade?

  • Cascade can be used by any faculty, department or unit on campus, excluding affiliated collges.   Web pages can be published to either the Western web server (http://www.uwo.ca/department name) or to a departmental web server that you maintain.  Free Western web server space is available to any academic or administrative department on campus.  New site requests are created using the most current Western website design provided by Communications & Public Affairs.
  • To determine if you are eligible to use Cascade to maintain your web site in the most current Western website design, please submit a Service Desk ticket.

Are there any charges for using Western's CMS (Cascade)?

  • There is no charge for the use of Cascade to create, publish and maintain web pages.  New sites created in Cascade follow Western's current website design and branding.

Is there any cost to use Cascade? 

  • Access to Cascade is made available to any faculty member or staff member at Western, excluding affiliated colleges, at no charge to them or their department at Western.  All training and support for Cascade is provided by Western Technology Services and done specifically for your site.

Can php, rss feeds, etc. be used with Western's CMS (Cascade)?

  • Yes, php, rss feeds, etc. can all be used within Cascade.
  • Please note that php cannot be used on the Western web server.

Published on  and maintained in Cascade.