Western's Central Email Service FAQ

Who is eligible for a Western email address?

Every active student at Western is entitled to a Western email address (e.g. user@uwo.ca).  Current staff and faculty also receive a @uwo.ca e-mail address and will use this in any official communications with students.

When do I get this?

An email address is created when:

  • an applicant who applied through OUAC transitions to a Western Student in the Student Administration system;
  • an applicant to graduate studies who is matriculated to a Western Student in the student administration system one month before their start date;
  • an individual returns to Western to study after a length of time;
  • an individual is hired by Western.

How long do I have this email?

This e-mail is provided to you for an indefinite period. Upon graduation, you will retain your @uwo.ca email address with no action required by you. 

How is the @uwo.ca email used at Western?

All primary communications from the Registrar's Office, Dean's offices and departments will addressed to your @uwo.ca email. It is expected that you will keep your email in good working order.

I have heard about email for life, what is it?

Your @uwo.ca is now (E4L) Email for Life.  Upon graduation, you will retain your @uwo.ca email address with no action required by you.  Check out Email for Life and Alumni Benefits for additional details on alumni service offerings.

Published on  and maintained in Cascade.