General Information

Before your Zoom session starts:

  • Make sure that you can log in and run the Zoom application 
  • Review our Security and Privacy Considirations
  • Review our Guidelines for Zoom AI use in meetings - link
  • Make sure your Internet connection is stable (wired connection is preferred when possible)
  • Test your Microphone and Speaker
  • Connect to only one audio source to avoid bad audio feedback
  • Communicate expectations and any meeting instructions in your meeting invitation, for example:
    • All participants will be muted during the meeting
    • If you have any questions or comments during the meeting, use the in-meeting chat
    • Presenters should speak close to the microphone so remote participants can hear
  • Have the content and applications prepared for sharing before the meeting
    • Practice before the meeting to get familiar with sharing your screen and confirm your audio and video work
  • Establish and follow rules for etiquette, for example:

During your Zoom session:

  • Make sure all participants are muted when they join the meeting and unmute participants as necessary
  • Mute your microphone if you are not speaking
  • When you have your video on, look at the camera instead of your screen
  • If your meeting is being recorded make participants aware
    • Announce you will be starting the Zoom recording when most or all of your participants are in the meeting
    • Only a host can record a meeting (or grant the ability for a participant to record), however, be aware that others can record their screen using a cell phone or screen capture software on their computer, for example

Other information:

Keep your Zoom Client/App up to date!

Use your Personal Meeting ID sparingly

  • For even better security, have Zoom automatically generate your meeting ID (so you don’t have to use your Personal Meeting ID) when creating a new meeting

Don’t share your Meeting IDs (Personal or Automatically Generated) publicly

  • Do not publicly post  your meeting id on social media or the web

Manage participants and get control over your session by using in-meeting security capabilities

  • Enable a Waiting Room to control who can enter your meeting
  • Set your meeting so that participants can’t join your session before the host by unchecking the option Enable Join Before Host 
  • Prevent participants from screen sharing – Sharing your screen
  • Prevent participants from private chatting – In-Meeting chat
  • Lock the meeting to prevent anyone new from joining
    • To lock: When you are in a meeting, as host, click on the Security icon and select Lock Meeting
      • When you lock the meeting, no new participants can join, even if they have the meeting ID and password.
    • Tip: Confirm everyone who is supposed to be in the meeting has joined before locking!
  • Expel a Participant: If an unwanted participant has jointed your meeting, you can remove them from the session:
    • When you’re in the meeting, click Participants at the bottom of your Zoom window. In the participants pop-up box, you can mouse over a participant’s name, and several options will appear, including Remove. Click that to kick a participant out of the meeting
  • Attendee On-Hold: if you need a private moment, you can put attendees on-hold. The attendee’s video and audio connections will be disabled momentarily.
    • Click on the attendee’s video thumbnail and select Start Attendee On-Hold to activate this feature
  • Suspend participant activity: New option in the Security panel to immediately suspend all participant activities, which will mute all video and audio, stop screen sharing, end all breakout rooms, and pause recording.
  • Instructions to Manage participants

Published on  and maintained in Cascade.