Hosting view-only information

Teams and OneDrive provide similar options and processes for hosting view-only information. However, OneDrive requires a single primary owner of files whereas Teams can host with group ownership.

Landing Pages in Teams

Within Teams you can create a landing page to direct users to important sections, links, documents or webpages.

To create a landing page:

  1. Create a post in the default "General" Channel
  2. Restrict replies to Owners only
  3. Direct users to the Files section, attach documents, or link to other web pages

Restricting Chat in Teams Channels

If you are looking to create one-way communication for announcements or other no-reply needed messages you can use chat restrictions.

To restrict chat in the General Channel:

  1. Click the three dots beside the General channel, then click Manage Channel
  2. Select Only owners can post messages

To restrict chat in any additional Channels:

  1. Click the three dots beside the desired channel, then click Manage Channel
  2. Set Channel Moderation to On
  3. Uncheck Allow members to reply to channel messages

Restricting Member Permissions

By default Teams gives access to a large array of permissions, to help maintain the environment and avoid any unintended changes you may want to restrict user access.

To restrict Member permissions:

  1. Select Manage Team, then select Settings, then Member Permissions
  2. Disable member access as needed.

Restricting Files and Folders

Much like member permissions, you may not want everyone to have access to all the files within a Teams environment. In Teams, permissions are inherited from parent folders, similar to OneDrive.

WTS recommends using Microsoft 365 Groups to assign permissions for larger Teams, rather than assigning permissions user-by-user. All members of the Group will automatically receive the permissions granted to it. In these cases, we recommend creating Microsoft 365 Groups with a consistent naming scheme, so they can be easily referenced when assigning permissions.

To restrict access to a file or folder:

  1. Right click a file/folder, then select Manage Access
  2. Click on [Team Name] Members
  3. Change the access level to Can view, Can't download, or Remove direct access

Please note that Team Owners will always have access to all files and folders, so their permissions cannot be modified.

To grant access to a file or folder:

  1. Right click a file/folder, then select Manage Access, then Grant Access
  2. Type the Microsoft 365 Groups or individual users to receive access
  3. Choose between Edit or View access, and whether users are Notified of the change


View-Only Content in Confluence

To make content in Confluence view-only follow the instructing here under "Page Restrictions".

Published on  and maintained in Cascade.