Long Distance Dialing

You can call long distance numbers and international phone numbers using your phone.

Applicable fees may be charged. Below you can find instructions on how to call long distance and international phone numbers.

Calling a long distance number within Canada and US

You can use your phone to dial long distance numbers, when configured.

In order to call a long distance number, dial 9 + 1 + area code + phone number

For example, if you are trying to call the 234-567-8901 number you would dial 9 + 1 + 234-567-8901

Calling an international phone number

You can use your phone to dial international numbers, when configured.

In order to call a long distance number, dial 9 + 011 + country code + international area code, if applicable + phone number.

For example, if you are trying to call the +55 11-98765 6547 phone number you would dial 9 + 011 + 55 + 11 + 98765 6547

Using Long Distance Access Codes

If configured with a Long Distance Access Code, your phone will require you to type your LDAC when calling an international or long distance phone number.

For long distance calls:

  • Dial #80 + 9 + 1 + area code + phone number + LDAC code

For example, if you are trying to call the 234-567-8901 number and your LDAC code is 123456 you would dial #80 + 9 + 1 + 234-567-8901 + 123456

For international calls:

  • Dial #80 + 9 + 011 + country code + international area code, if applicable + phone number + LDAC code

For example, if you are trying to call the +55 11-98765 6547 phone number and your LDAC code is 123456 you would dial #80 + 9 + 011 + 55 + 11-98765-6547 + 123456

Long Distance and International Calling Rates

Click here for long distance and international calling rates

Frequently Asked Questions

  • My phone isn't set up for Long Distance calls. How can I change that?

You may experience issues calling Long Distance or International numbers if your extension isn't set up with the Long Distance feature.

In order to have the Long Distance feature enabled on your extension, please contact one of the Telecom Coordinators for your department.

If you are a Telecom Coordinator and wish to have Long Distance dialing enabled, please submit a request via Jira.

  • I don't know what the Long Distance Access Code (LDAC) is for my extension. How can I retrieve it?

Long Distance Access Code (LDAC) are set up on extensions on a per-request basis. If you don't know what your Long Distance Access Code is, please contact one of the Telecom Coordinators for your department.

If you are a Telecom Coordinator and requires assistance with LDACs, please submit a request via Jira.

  • How is my department charged for Long Distance calls?

Long distance calls are directly charged to your department's speed code.

Published on  and maintained in Cascade.